
(Imaginando Guatemala)

is a small NGO (non-governmental / non-profit organization) based in the lovely town of Antigua, Guatemala. It is a project originating from the common interest of a small group of Guatemalans who are passionate about supporting the well-being and development of fellow Guatemalans. ImagininGuatemala relies upon local and international friends, volunteers, and benefactors who recognize an obligation to help those less fortunate than themselves. This group is committed to uniting volunteers to assist with the physical, spiritual, emotional and educational development of marginalized people in Guatemala.

Who we are

Mission Statement

To improve the physical living conditions and social well-being of families living in villages near Antigua, Guatemala. We do this by providing the necessities of life including food, shelter and clothing as well as connecting those families with a larger caring community.

"Working with ImagininGuatemala was such an amazing and transformative experience. They took care of every detail of our time in Guatemala so that we did not have to worry. They taught us about the history and culture of Guatemala, guided us around the streets of Antigua, and most importantly facilitated everything for us at the build site. From transportation to and from the worksite, to step-by-step training on how to build the home, to facilitating communication with the family who would receive the home, ImagininGuatemala takes care of everyone they work with. They are deeply committed to their mission and it was a blessing to work with them!"

-Pastor Brian Williams, United Methodist Church of Pella, Pella, Iowa.

ImagininGuatemala is led by a hard-working staff that is devoted to breaking the cycle of poverty in their homeland.

Edilser “Edy” Hernández Ordóñez:

Edy is one of ImagininGuatemala’s founders, and, thus, has been with the organization since its beginning in 2013. Edy, who has a background in construction, is from Santa Catarina Barahona, one of the villages where ImagininGuatemala has built numerous homes. He is married and has two lovely children. His role with ImagininGuatemala is to head up the construction duties, manage the child sponsorship program, provide support to service teams while they are in Guatemala, and manage funds and accounting. Edy also works with Luis to determine which families should receive an ImagininGuatemala home. He is a quiet, humble jack-of-all-trades who leads from a position of historical and cultural knowledge and experience. or

Alexis Vásquez García:

Previously an English teacher, Alexis started with ImagininGuatemala in 2018, and he very quickly became the personality of the organization. Alexis grew up in Antigua and now lives in San Lorenzo el Cubo. (His long-time girlfriend is also a big help to ImagininGuatemala!) Alexis's job entails the coordination of service teams and their itineraries (housing, transportation, activities, etc.) before they arrive and while they are in-country, managing funds and accounting, keeping social media up-to-date, and maintaining the ImagininGuatemala office. He is a friendly, outgoing individual with an infectious laugh who loves serving his community.

Luis Miguel Morales Morales

Luis is the newest member of the ImagininGuatemala team and has a lot of experience in construction. He, along with his wife, is also a very busy parent to 5 kids. His job focuses on the construction of homes and ordering/delivering materials. Luis also works with Edy to visit the homes of families who have requested an ImagininGuatemala house and to recruit and hire the builders who work with our volunteers. He is also hard at work learning English, so please come and give him some practice!

Our many builders help our service teams build homes. Each team of 6-7 volunteers works with two builders (often with Edy or Luis, as well). These guys are great teachers, knowledgeable builders, and fun companions to our volunteers.

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